Location: Heart of the Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

Too much time on my hands

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


From flipping along the talk radio lines lately the discussion of who should be the next Governor-General of Canada keeps recurring with silly talk like William Shatner coming up again and again.

Here are my present meandering thoughts and ideas:

Joe Clark - perceived as harmless by most, not too closely tied to Stephen Harper but close enough to not scare Harper away, has a strong political background and knowledge (who wants a celeb G-G deciding about proroguing).

Brian Mulroney - more international respect and contacts than almost anyone....that could make the position very effective on the global scale. Considering what he accomplished as PM (think of the "hated" things that still seem to be around like FTA, and the GST) imagine the possibilities as G-G.....downsides...Schreiber too sticky and Bri is too polarizing in general. This makes Joe even better!

Stephen Lewis - imagine what this would do to Canadian image abroad and what he could accomplish! even better he is a non-partisan choice.

An aboriginal choice would be possible.....esp if they are well-known like an Elijah Harper (not necessarily who I would want but that type of recognition). Maybe Paul Okalik the first Premier of Nunavut.

There is my top 4.....for now....I will add more as I think of them.


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