The Mental Wandering of the Avatar

Location: Heart of the Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

Too much time on my hands

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ultimate Supergroups

Earlier today I read is the most releveant excerpt:

Here is my line-up or possibly line-ups...I have made only one necessary criteria....all members must be alive still. It will soon be obvious trhat embers were not necessarily chosen for pure skills, but rather for how they might work/sound together.

Version #1 - Talent and Flash
Vocals: Robert Plant
Lead Guitar: Slash
Bass: Bootsy Collins
Drums: Neil Peart
Piano/Keyboards: Elton John (I kow that early Elton is in there somewhere.....though i almost threw in Eddie Van Halen so he could pull double duty on Rhythm Guitar - that's right Eddie Van Halen and Rhythm guitar in the same sentence, now twice)

Version #2: Gritty band that can multi-task
Vocals: Neil Young
Lead Guitar: Keith Richards
Rhythm Guitar: Jimmy Page
Bass: MCA of the Beastie Boys
Drums: Dave Grohl
Keyboards: The corpse of Jerry Lee Lewis
Version #3: Mellowed with Age
Vocals: Sting
Lead Guitar: Peter Frampton
Bass: John Paul Jones
Drums: Phil Collins
Keyboards: Billy Joel