From Tim Hortons to Al-Qaeda to the Constition....what a train wreck
As I do most mornings I was listening to Derringer, and subsequently one of the comics competing in their Best Comic with a Day Job competition. This one comic was going on about the role of Tim Horton's as an indicator of Canadian commitment to Afghanistan, i.e putting one there shows we are in for the long haul. This remnded me of a little incident in Toronot this past summer.
As one point, there was a small bomb scare regarding a package in a Tim's on a major street (I think it was on Yonge). The package may have even caught fire. Can't remember. Not important. What is important is that my first thought (and I would not be surprised others thought this as well) was that this would be a brilliant locale for an al-Qaeda style action.
Why you may ask? Is there anything location in this country that binds Canadians - French or English, East or West, Toronto or not Toronto, Conservative or NDP or Natural Law - like Timmy's? I can;t think of anything. Before Home Depot, maybe Canadian Tire.
Not even something like the ACC, the Molson Centre or the Hockey HofF.....The ACC and Molson Centre are to generic now and the days of the Forum and Maple Leaf Gardens, bombing one would have let the fans aligned with the other to know that God was on thier side (if it was MLG it would have also given Leaf fans a somewhat credible reason to have the guts to say at the start of the season that the Leafs would not win the Cup).
Thus Tim's would be the place. The threat would end up being so vague.....which one...I dunno? The one on the corner of King Street and Main Street? Which one on that corner (since we know there are at least 2 on EVERY major street corner)?
When it does happen the effects would be monumental.....the country would grind to a halt as coffee-drinkers wait in every increasing lines at the drive throughs nation wide these drinkers shift their purchases to different locations, thereby increasing the lines at these locations and eventually creating lines so long that they run 24 hours a day and no one gets to work!
Some might say Parliament or some federal building...too many mixed messages, there is probably some sovereigntist group (either Quebecois or Albertan - Hands of the oil!! or Newfoundlander - damn Nissan Bonavista ad, usin a Cape Breton wanna-be) would declare it was their work or be really pissed someone beat em to it!
This thought train led me to national federalist politics.....keepin the country together....will Stephen Harper try and evelate himself to Mulroney status once he has a majority government, and try and settle the constitutional mess we live with? Could he do such a thing, bring Quebec in if it has anything but a PQ government? Does it count if he negotiated with former Mulroney Cabinet minister and currrent Premier Jean Charest? Could he convince Charest to sell out the sovereignists right now and make up a deal on the spot even with a minority government?
Should I think less while I am driving and focus more on the road?
As one point, there was a small bomb scare regarding a package in a Tim's on a major street (I think it was on Yonge). The package may have even caught fire. Can't remember. Not important. What is important is that my first thought (and I would not be surprised others thought this as well) was that this would be a brilliant locale for an al-Qaeda style action.
Why you may ask? Is there anything location in this country that binds Canadians - French or English, East or West, Toronto or not Toronto, Conservative or NDP or Natural Law - like Timmy's? I can;t think of anything. Before Home Depot, maybe Canadian Tire.
Not even something like the ACC, the Molson Centre or the Hockey HofF.....The ACC and Molson Centre are to generic now and the days of the Forum and Maple Leaf Gardens, bombing one would have let the fans aligned with the other to know that God was on thier side (if it was MLG it would have also given Leaf fans a somewhat credible reason to have the guts to say at the start of the season that the Leafs would not win the Cup).
Thus Tim's would be the place. The threat would end up being so vague.....which one...I dunno? The one on the corner of King Street and Main Street? Which one on that corner (since we know there are at least 2 on EVERY major street corner)?
When it does happen the effects would be monumental.....the country would grind to a halt as coffee-drinkers wait in every increasing lines at the drive throughs nation wide these drinkers shift their purchases to different locations, thereby increasing the lines at these locations and eventually creating lines so long that they run 24 hours a day and no one gets to work!
Some might say Parliament or some federal building...too many mixed messages, there is probably some sovereigntist group (either Quebecois or Albertan - Hands of the oil!! or Newfoundlander - damn Nissan Bonavista ad, usin a Cape Breton wanna-be) would declare it was their work or be really pissed someone beat em to it!
This thought train led me to national federalist politics.....keepin the country together....will Stephen Harper try and evelate himself to Mulroney status once he has a majority government, and try and settle the constitutional mess we live with? Could he do such a thing, bring Quebec in if it has anything but a PQ government? Does it count if he negotiated with former Mulroney Cabinet minister and currrent Premier Jean Charest? Could he convince Charest to sell out the sovereignists right now and make up a deal on the spot even with a minority government?
Should I think less while I am driving and focus more on the road?