Location: Heart of the Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

Too much time on my hands

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

In agreement with a Lib

Must must say, after reading Jason Cherniak's comments yesterday, and the more I thought about them, they make more and more sense and Dion could be the Libs best shot at the right side of the Speaker's chair.
Ultimately though, Dion probably does have the best shot at continuing the warm on the chair now occupied by Stephen Harper.

To proceed from Cherniak's comments....Why is Dion such a good shot:

1. Quebecker....
2. Quebec Liberal intellectual politican - not an NDP intellectual nor a fill the vacuum Harvard intellectual.
3. There aren't many knee-jerk reasons not to really like him nor to not take him seriously - or at least less than others.
4. His ideologies/policies are not as front and centre as Ignatieff's are or Rae's might be presumed (and Ontario will assume Rae to really still be the same as he wwas as an NDP premier) - thus there is less assumed baggage and he has more flexibility once he becomes leader.

He will make an interesting opponent in a not so distant election...shall be interesting.


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